💹 FinanceGPT

A cutting-edge financial chatbot leveraging GPT-4 and data retrieval technologies to offer precise financial insights and guidance.


Equip users with relevant financial data and guidance using state-of-the-art AI models.

🔄 Process:

User interacts with the chatbot, seeking financial guidance or data. The input is processed by GPT-4, and relevant financial data is retrieved and presented.

📊 Results:

Efficient and precise financial insights, ensuring users make well-informed decisions.

🚧 Challenges and Solutions:

❓ Challenge: Offering real-time financial data.

✅ Solution: Integration of Pinecone and other databases for on-the-go data retrieval.

🎓 Lessons Learned:

The importance of real-time data in the financial sector.

The efficacy of combining GPT-4 with specialized financial databases.

💻 Technology Stack:

GPT 4 ⠿ Pinecone ⠿ Langchain ⠿ Streamlit ⠿ Python ⠿ Sentence-transformer ML model